Finally got the sewing machine out of its box yesterday afternoon. Put the binding on these 2 mug rugs that have been waiting months to be finished. The top one was picked by my daughter to give to her piano teacher.
I picked out this pot holder that I made some time last year.
Gift all ready. Added my favourite tea and cookies. She loved her gift.
And since the sewing machine was out, I did some more sewing. I used some of the hst's leftover from the Glow Happy quilt to make these Dutch Pinwheel blocks. Need to be pressed but haven't found my iron yet.
Had enough leftover to make 2 little pinwheels.
Still have the red, aqua and pink fabrics to do.
And then add the bigger hst's to make a quilt top. I have some leftover fabric if I need to make more. Not sure what this is going to look like in the end, just having fun.
I kept quilting after the kids went to bed. Waited til this morning to take pictures though. Sewing machine spent the night on the dining room table. I was able to quilt the yellow, purple and green fabrics of the 4 blocks on the center row. Need to do the blue and cream (today?) and then the 2 sides need to be done.
Front. I am really liking how the quilting is turning out. This quilt might be hard to give away.
The other 2 blocks.
Pictures of the back of the blocks.

Here's why I am quilting at the dining room table. My quilt table is in the garage. There is a table under all that mess, right? I need to find my iron - is it on the table? I did hang up my rulers and a clock, now I just need to find time to finish putting stuff away. The plan is to keep my machine in the garage and perhaps quilt out there when the kids are bugging me or I need to concentrate, (the door to the garage is just off the dining room so with the it open, I can still hear them) and bring it into the dining room table to quilt as well. I'll be able to leave this space a little messy and to be honest, it's really nice not to look at my machine all the time. Before I could see it from the kitchen, dining room and living room, and sometimes I just wanted it and the mess to disappear. This way I can still be part of what is going on or go off in the garage by myself. My fabric stash is being kept upstairs to avoid getting a garage smell. Only current projects will be kept in the garage.

New ironing board waiting for me to unwrap it and find my iron and put it to use.