Went fabric shopping today. Here's what I came home with.

2 yards of this because I love it (and it was on sale).

2 yards of this because I love it, too.

Isn't it adorable?

A remnant piece that would go with either of the above.

Big splurge and the reason for going - fabric for bedroom curtains. 3 yards.

Orange and yellow is for my husband, and the scroll leaf pattern is so very me. I hope he likes them as I plan on having them done by the time he gets here on Monday.

Fat quarter I bought to make something for my brother. He's a goalie but loves to play out. Figure his Christmas present will have to fit inside a bag made from this. Unless I think of something else to do with it.

Another finish. I had completed most of this baby blanket before I left Michigan in June and finished it while watching "Pride and Prejudice" (the british mini series not the recent movie) this week. I watched the whole series in one go and was up until almost 3am. I stopped crocheting around 1 and just enjoyed the show.

Close-up of the pink - white yarn that I have used before. Not sure when I will reopen the etsy shop, hopefully by the end of the month.

My son's curtains. He picked the fabric from my stash while I was reorganizing. I was saving it to use in a big quilt for him but by the time I finally get around to making it, he probably won't like cars anymore.

Close up of all the different vehicles.

Bathroom curtains.

The top fabric belonged to my friends Grandmother and this piece is all I had. I love it and didn't want to cut it up. The white with green dots is a remnant bin find that I had set aside for another project but I decided to use it for this instead.
I also took some pictures of my new quilt space and will post those this weekend. I also have some other projects that I worked on this summer that I haven't posted yet. I'll try to get those done too.